Last reviews

North Sydney Dentistry

Todd Preston

I had a fantastic experience with my dentist! From the moment I walked in, the staff greeted me warmly, making me feel comfortable and at ease. The waiting area was clean and inviting, and I didn't have to wait long before being called in. My dentist was incredibly professional and attentive, taking the time to explain each procedure thoroughly and answering all my questions with patience. Their expertise and gentle approach made me feel reassured throughout the entire visit. Overall, I can genuinely say that the team at North Sydney Dentistry go above and beyond to provide exceptional care, and I highly recommend them to anyone in need of dental services. Thank you for such a positive and pleasant dental experience!

Unidas Aluguel de Carros

Glauber Alves

Lamento não ter opção de 0 estrela. Fomos extremamente mal atendidos no final de setembro, quando em viagem ao Brasil devido a uma emergência familiar tentamos alugar um carro pelo app da unidas. Ao chegar para retirada, não satisfeitos com o fato de utilizarmos o seguro do cartão de crédito, tentaram empurrar através de venda casada a venda de diversos produtos: seguros e taxa de lavagem, alegando esta ser obrigatória mesmo que devolvessmos o carro limpo em condições de locação como sempre fizemos. Nitidamente estava claro que caso insistissemos na locação sem os produtos que tentaram nos empurrar, fariam de tudo para encontrar problemas no ato da devolução, como indiretamente mencionado pela funcionária do balcão da loja no estacionamento do aeroporto diversas vezes.

BRuNO family park

Martina Smidova

Byly jsme s dcerou dopoledne a bylo super prázdno. Celkově hodnotíme návštěvu kladně. Dostatek atrakcí pro všechny, super jídlo v kantýně. V den návštěvy bylo teplo, tak jsme viděly i venek a ten se nám líbil asi nejvíc. Hvězdičku ubíráme za čistotu, ve školním roce méně navštěvovaných částech bylo hodně prachu. V části pro nejmenší jde vidět zašlost a ohmatání. Kolem korýtek byly upadené jejich části a lezl tam i hřebík.
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Rezervace vstupenek

Mr. Electric of Dallas

Kate Roberts

Called Mr. Electric this morning when some of our lights wouldn't turn on even after resetting the circuits in the circuit box. Technicians Dylon Murphy & Jay Weaver came in just a few hours after the initial call. They were professional, courteous and explained everything that they were doing. After a few hours of the initial testing, there ended up being a bigger issue with a wire, and Dylon and Jay gave/explained to us the potential options to remedy the issue and different costs. They were incredibly kind in explaining the problem in a way we could understand, and giving us their professional advice. They remedied our issue after some additional work and we are very appreciative of their service. Would recommend Dylon and Jay to anyone who has electrical issues. Thanks!

Doctor Feet Podologia Shopping Mueller Curitiba

Shaula Zucchi

No dia 24 de agosto enviei um Whatsapp solicitando um agendamento para dia 26 de agosto, quarta-feira, para duas pessoas. Me responderam que haviam horários e foram agendados. Porém, ontem, recebi um e-mail informando sobre o horário marcado na quinta-feira. Entrei em contato e disseram que por uma confusão, agendaram no dia errado, se eu não conseguia manter o dia errado agendado. Ainda me ofereceram UM horário na quarta, só que eu precisava de DOIS, conforme informei no início. Simplesmente se limitaram a pedir desculpas. Só que eu agendei há três dias atrás, "erram" e fica tudo bem? E o que me deixou mais indignada foi que recebi um email agora informando que foi "CANCELADO PELO CLIENTE" na data de hoje. NÃO, NÃO FOI! Eu não marquei pra hoje, eu marquei pra ontem, então sejam sinceros no que informam. Não é a primeira vez que tenho problemas com a unidade do Shopping Mueller em Curitiba. Já enviei fotos de como infeccionou meu dedo depois de um atendimento e como não foi nem lixada a unha. Tentei dar uma nova chance, mas foi em vão. Minha mãe tem diabetes e devido à pandemia, ela está sem acompanhamento profissional, pois não estava podendo ir no shopping. Depois de meses, quando finalmente será possível ir até a podologia, marcam errado? E não dão a menor atenção? Pra ser bem sincera, a impressão que tenho é que DESMARCARAM meu horário pra encaixar algum conhecido. Porque é IMPOSSÍVEL eu receber a data "errada" horas antes de ir para meu atendimento.

Campbell Street Dental Centre

Catalina Bravo

I need to confess that I am in my early 30s and I was very scared to go to the dentist. About 6 weeks ago I was in a lot of pain due a bad infection from an impacted wisdom tooth. I was told I had to get my four wisdom teeth extracted, I was terrified. Plus people tends to start telling you horrible stories about their own experiences... Dr Anthony Ngu was not only very professional, but he was also very careful, sympathetic and reliable. The team that works in this practice are all very nice, they even call me after the procedure to know how I was feeling and they were always super helpful. It has been three weeks since the surgery and I can say that I am now fully recovered. I would definitely recommend coming here.

Chiesa di San Zaccaria


Legata alla storia arcaica e bizantina di Venezia, è una delle chiese più antiche della Serenissima (IX sec). Rimaneggiata nel Quattrocento, presenta interno a tre navate molto ricco di tele, tra cui spicca nella navata sinistra la magnifica Madonna in trono col Bambino e santi del Bellini. Scenografica cripta parzialmente allagata. Imponente ed originale la facciata tripartita, con sei ordini di colonne e finestre culminanti in timpani ad arco. Fu sede di un monastero femminile di lunga storia.

Lojas Americanas Express

Julio R. Gonzaga

Péssima experiência, andei 800m pra vir nas americanas aqui do shopping crystal por gostar do espaço. Chegando escolhi meus produtos normais, e simplesmente não está aceitando mais pagamento por pix. Nem um aviso na porta tem sobre o mesmo. Sendo que comprei dias atrás em uma americanas no shopping Curitiba por pix também e foi normal a compra. Sinceramente deveria ser padrão para todas as lojas a forma de pagamento. Mas obrigado, descobri que no mercado de baixo os itens estão com valores menores e aceita pix como pagamento


Mariia Kanak

Нікому не раджу цей клуб! Найгірше місце у Львові, була з друзями там перший раз і нас охорона просто виштовхнула на вулицю, навіть не запитали наші документи, нам сказали якщо хочемо то можемо викликати собі поліцію якщо щось не подобається. Жахливе, хамське ставлення персоналу, не тратьте свій час і нерви!


Alex Moorlag

Op het moment van bezoek was het rustig maar liet het eten wel even op zich wachten. De sfeer is niet echt gezellig omdat de bezorgers aan en af lopen en in feite vlak bij je zitten, dit geeft een wat onrustig gevoel. Netheid van de tafeltjes en vloer laat ook te wensen over. Het eten daarintegen was wel gewoon goed.
Ter plaatse eten
Soort maaltijd
Prijs per persoon
€ 10-20
Eten: 5
Service: 3
Sfeer: 2

Urban Spot

Tayyab Sarwar

First time trying soul food after looking for a while and this was the only one I came across that was genuinely Halal. (There's a few African food spots that have Halal symbol but aren't actually halal and have cross-contamination). The lady was welcoming and accommodating. I told her what I wanted to spend and within a few minutes I had the masterpiece you see below. Each and everything had it's own flavour but combined it all went so well together. Overall would definitely recommend this place. Great food, service and prices.
Dine in
Meal type
Price per person

CompleteBody Financial District

Rodney Ibrahim

I've been going to this gym now for 9 months and find it on par with Equinox. Same equipment, less crowded and same amenities (Steam, sauna, massage, etc..). Where they differ slightly from Equinox is their shower products ( Equinox has name brand products, Complete Body just no name stuff). If you can get past that you're essentially at an Equinox gym at a fraction of the cost. This was the best investment decision I have made in a long time. They even have a rock wall.. BOOM!

Coles Cairnlea

Fatih Vanliog

Very bad customer service. I have taken 2 pictures for special sticker one 2/10/2023 second one 3/10/2023.first time they said that they put the special sticker on wrong spot and said sorry and next they the sticker is in same spot again said sorry.They don’t care about customers. I am daily customer of this store, but they don’t care. That’s happening always with this particular store. Basically they say sorry but they don’t care.



This is the most stressful CVS I have ever been to and I’ve been going here for years, though I don’t know why. It’s gotten so bad! They never have your scripts ready on time and they don’t answer the phone. I’d start blood pressure medication due to the stress they cause but I doubt I could get the script filled. The hours of availability are also incorrect on their automated system so be careful showing up between 11-2 because they might not even be there.

Barry Plant Diamond Creek

Adriana G

We'd like to thank Justin Booth and the team at Barry Plant Diamond Creek for their extreme professionalism and expertise in selling our property! Justin kept us well informed, giving status updates constantly; at no time did he alter his views and was realistic on price point throughout the entire campaign. His commitment was second to none, visiting us at any hour or location in order to get the job done. A heart felt thanks Justin, for making the process so easy and stress free! We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Justin and the team to anyone looking to sell or lease their property.

THE Runners Shop

Anna Rallos

My husband and his friends have always had a good experience at this store. He took me here to purchase a new pair of running shoes for my birthday this year. I wanted so much to love my new Nike shoes and support this small business. The shoes seemed comfortable when I was fitted in store. When I took them on my first walk, they gave me terrible heel blisters. I went back to the store and they recommenced I purchase a new pair of socks. The $30 pair of socks didn't fix the issue. I've been trying to break them in around the house, lacing them different ways, using different insoles and heel grips but it's just not worth the resulting blister pain. I expect for new leather shoes to be uncomfortable until you break them in, but not running shoes. Unfortunately it seems that the B team was on that day as the fit is not right.



良心的な対応で安心感があります。 不明な部分や困った所も親身に相談に乗ってくれて無駄なことをすすめません。 オイル交換など前もって電話で確認していくとよいと思います。 ずっと、ガソリンスタンドやディーラー任せだったのが、驚くほど安くなりました。 時間のかかる修理には代車も貸してくれます。

Clinique Vétérinaire Métivet


Je recommande le docteur Metivet qui a sauvé mon chien. J’ai un King Charles qui est arrivé chez moi malade, avec une malformation congénitale grave, une inflammation de l’intestin, un ulcère et un Helicobacter. Je n’avais aucune idée ! Mon chien était d’une maigreur affolante, il ne mangeait pas. J’avais vu de nombreux vétérinaires. Ceux-ci n’ont rien soupçonné. Ils pensaient que c’était une question de goût et d’alimentation. Finalement, de bouche à oreille, j’ai été orientée vers le docteur Metivet. Il a été réactif. Il m'a demandé de faire des analyses à mon chien, et il a vite trouvé le problème. Il l’a soigné. Mon petit chien est bien, il revit, alors que je n’y croyais plus et que j’allais l’euthanasier. Le docteur Métivet a fait preuve de compétence, il a énormément d’expérience, et un bon « feeling » avec les animaux. De plus je trouve qu’il est moins cher que les autres à Paris. Il est compréhensif, patient et calme. J’ai eu aussi des consultations d’urgence le jour même, dans l’heure qui suivait. Je l’ai appelé plusieurs fois au téléphone. Il est joignable, il rappelle. Sans aucun doute, vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermés !

La Culpa

Maria Cristina Cerda Muñoz

No me gustó el servicio. No había opción vegetariana no trajeron ni los tragos ni la comida al mismo tiempo a mi y a mi marido. Mis verduras salteadas estaban frías y yo pedí papas rústicas y me trajeron fritas. Pedí si me podían dar verduras salteadas con champiñones y me dijeron que no. Solo separadas. No entiendo. Fui a celebrar mi aniversario a ese lugar
Comí allí
Tipo de comida

WAG Pet Care واج للحيوانات الأليفة

Jona Lei Jagonos

لقد تم رعاية قطتي المتبناة ويسكي من قبل فريق Wag Pet الرائع. قام زي وعلي بعمل رائع لقطتي. كان الويسكي قذرًا للغاية عندما أحضرته وخرج وسيمًا بشكل مدهش بعد الاعتناء به. شكرًا لك على الاهتمام بقطتي ونراكم في خدمتنا القادمة. أحب أيضًا أن يكون Shooter موجودًا حول متجر الحيوانات الأليفة. ويضيف الحياة إلى المحل. أحسنت يا شباب! استمر!


MotelGeorgian restaurantDo-it-yourself shopDistrict courtStadiumBuilding materials storeTransit stationSoup restaurantOffice space rental agencyMovie rental storeTour agencyTram stopTire shopCriminal justice attorneyTraffic police stationInternational airportCar dealerChurch of ChristCollegePolice departmentAdult entertainment storeUniversity libraryAuto brokerEspresso barCar rentalLegal servicesBeer storeInnGas stationPlumberHair removal servicePet storeBoot storeUsed car dealerPastry shopHamburger restaurantItalian restaurantElementary schoolUsed book storeCell phone storeGuest houseInsurance brokerAuto repair shopDollar storeMexican restaurantAquariumTransit stopBar & grillPolice stationMobile home parkGymnasium schoolBaptist churchHeliportShipping companyMotor vehicle dealerCafeNail salonWarehouseInternet shopReform synagogueDepartment storeCertified public accountantHealth food restaurantDay spaCity government officeLaw firmHotelCatholic churchChinese restaurantLiquor storeTropical fish storeHairdresserChildren's amusement centerSelf service car washCar rental agencySports clubHistory museumFamily restaurantChristian churchRegional government officeSushi restaurantAuto glass shopParking garageHome improvement storeStationery storeCity HallBarPhysical therapistReligious organizationAmusement parkCharter schoolGrocery storeVisa and passport officeCostume jewelry shopUniversityRussian Orthodox churchBeauty salonMovie rental kioskDivorce lawyerDistrict councilBeauty supply storeElectricianThai massage therapistCity parkGeneral hospitalFree parking lotShopping mallLaundry serviceBakeryAuto insurance agencyCampgroundWater parkStorage facilityMiddle schoolPediatric dentistOrthopedic shoe storePainterWomen's clothing storeState government officeGymCasinoBookkeeping serviceComic book storeBankRoofing contractorSupermarketMedical clinicBuddhist templeSightseeing tour agencyPrivate universityJanitorial serviceTransportation servicePrivate educational institutionPersonal injury attorneyLocksmithFamily practice physicianArt museumSelf-storage facilityPrimary schoolFire stationKey duplication serviceRV parkKaraoke barPubConvenience storePlumbing supply storeStoreOrthodox synagogueAirportAutomobile storage facilityFloristMedical CenterCourthouseMassage spaJewelerEmbassySports complexCar repair and maintenance serviceSports barPizza restaurantATMFinancial institutionFacial spaCorporate officeMusic schoolFreight forwarding serviceInsurance companyEmergency locksmith serviceBicycle repair shopMoving and storage serviceBook storeParkingMovie theaterHypermarketReal estate agencyJewelry designerFederal courthouseHookah barCourt of ArbitrationPentecostal churchElectrical supply storeAmusement park ridePoliceCoffee shopSubway stationZooE-commerce serviceSandwich shopMen's clothing storeCosmetic dentistHome goods storeTruck repair shopOffice furniture storeCocktail barElectronics storeJewelry storeHair salonReal estate agentAuto body shopKindergartenAttorneySynagogueTaxicab StandTrucking companyBowling alleyGeneral practitionerSpa and health clubMoverDelivery RestaurantPlace of worshipPhysical therapy clinicChildren's clothing storeDoctorMuseumRecords storage facilityChurchClothing storeGeneral storeBarber shopTour operatorArt galleryDry cleanerCity tax officeElectrical installation serviceTakeout RestaurantRestaurantGovernment officePost officeSchoolTheme parkBicycle ShopPublic parking spaceDental clinicEmergency veterinarian serviceAccountantVeterinary careLocal government officeTrain stationDiscount supermarketTourist attractionVariety storeCarpet cleaning serviceMeal deliveryAirport shuttle serviceHostelBus stationCar washMosqueTransport interchangeDentistBus companyAppliance storeAmerican restaurantCounty courtCosmetics storeHospitalVeterinarianFurniture storeMemorial parkParkGift shopSaunaLoungeSkin care clinicBus stopOrthodox churchFuneral homeMedical spaReal estate consultantSouvenir storeBankruptcy attorneySporting goods storeAccounting firmKitchen supply storeNon-denominational churchForeign consulateAuto parts storeSpaComputer storeBed & breakfastCommercial real estate agencyDrug storeLaundromatVeterinary pharmacyNight clubKitchen furniture storeChildrens libraryWork clothes storeParking lotPublic universityInsurance agencyMassage therapistDVD storePawn shopTaxi serviceWine storePublic libraryLibraryEvangelical churchCar inspection stationCounty government officeMilitary cemeteryButcher shopHindu templeVaporizer storeTax preparation serviceAquarium shopTobacco shopAmusement centerChauffeur serviceChildrens storeFitness centerCity courthouseFast food restaurantAirline ticket agencyPizza deliveryBagel shopLaser hair removal servicePharmacyNon-profit organizationAnimal hospitalWildlife parkMagistrates' courtState policeBoat storage facilityShort term apartment rental agencyBoutiqueHookah storeLocal history museumInternistLaundryLight rail stationBathroom supply storeCemeteryHardware storeShoe storeTravel agencyPet supply storeDoor shopHealth spaChicken restaurantBoot repair shopHigh schoolRailroad company